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TED Talk – Emotional First Aid: Support Group at RISC 9th September 2024

Our next monthly support meeting at RISC is on Monday 9th September 2024 at 7.30pm.

We will be watching a TED talk – How to practice emotional first aid, by Guy Winch.

We’ll go to the doctor when we feel flu-ish or a nagging pain. So why don’t we see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness? Too many of us deal with common psychological-health issues on our own, says Guy Winch. But we don’t have to. He makes a compelling case to practice emotional hygiene — taking care of our emotions, our minds, with the same diligence we take care of our bodies.

After the session there will be time for refreshments and a chat.

Please register your free place through Eventbrite at the link below. As always, the meetings are completely free of charge and everyone is welcome. We aim to provide a safe and confidential environment where everyone is listened to and treated with respect.

If you book a ticket and are unable to attend, please let us know so that we can offer your place to someone else. You can cancel your ticket through Eventbrite, or send us a message via our contact form.